Our Approach

At the National Association of Jewellers (NAJ), we would like everyone who benefits from our membership, products and services to receive a positive experience.

Our values of Honesty, Integrity and Professionalism are reflected in our approach to servicing members, supporters, students, and other stakeholders, including the general public. We treat all with respect and expect all to treat us with respect. Outlined below are policies that we have adopted and believe contribute to our service and help provide a positive experience for you and for us.


We are committed to being a fair, consistent and accessible Association for everyone who engages with us, including NAJ members, non-members, students and the general public. We believe that everyone who contacts us has the right to be heard, understood and respected. We believe that our staff have the same rights, and we must provide a safe working environment for our staff. We must also ensure the efficient and effective operation of our Association, so that we can provide a good service to everyone who is engaging with us.

We may decide to restrict access to our service where we consider someone’s actions or behaviour are likely to have a negative effect on our staff or our work.

This policy sets out the kinds of actions and behaviour that may have a negative effect, and what we will do in these circumstances. This policy applies to everyone who interacts or communicates with us, including NAJ members, non-members, students and the general public.

We recognise that some people may have difficulties in expressing themselves or communicating clearly, especially when anxious or upset. We also understand that some people may find it difficult to identify what impact their behaviour might have on other people. We will always consider making reasonable adjustments for a disabled person if we are asked to do so – but we may still use the policy if there are actions or behaviours which are having a negative effect on our staff or our work. 

Examples of Actions or Behaviour which may have a Negative Effect on our Staff or our Work
1. Aggressive, Offensive or Abusive Actions or Behaviour

All our staff have the right not to be subjected to aggressive, offensive or abusive actions, language or behaviour, regardless of the circumstances.

This means any actions or behaviour that could cause staff to feel intimidated, threatened or offended. These include, but are not limited to: threats, physical violence, personal verbal abuse, derogatory remarks, and rudeness, whether made to the member of staff directly or elsewhere (including online bullying). Deliberately provocative or inflammatory statements and unsubstantiated allegations can also amount to abusive actions or behaviour.

Violence is not restricted to acts of aggression that may result in physical harm. It also includes behaviour or language, whether oral or written, that may cause staff to feel afraid, threatened or abused.

2. Unreasonable Demands or Persistence

If someone makes unreasonable demands on us or our staff, or is unreasonably persistent, that may have an impact on our ability to do the work of our Association.

Examples of unreasonable demands may include: requesting responses within an unreasonable timescale; insisting on speaking to or corresponding with a particular member of staff, frequent phone calls, emails, or letters; repeatedly changing the substance of the complaint or raising unrelated concerns; or attending our offices without an agreed appointment.

Examples of unreasonable persistence include: continual refusal to accept that a decision has been made in relation to an enquiry; insisting that we answer questions when we have done so or explained why we will not; persistent refusal to accept explanations relating to what we can or can't do; sending emails to multiple members of staff; or repeatedly trying to raise a case through our internal processes, without recourse to our formal complaints procedure.

3. Vexatious Behaviour

NAJ sometimes receive correspondence which can be deemed ‘vexatious’ or ‘repetitive’. In deciding whether correspondence is vexatious we will in each case take into account its context and history. A definition of ‘vexatious’ is activity that “is likely to cause distress or irritation, literally to vex a person to whom it is directed”.

When determining whether correspondence is vexatious, we will take the following factors into account:

  • the writer requests information which has already been provided
  • the nature and extent of the correspondence suggests an obsessive approach to disclosure
  • the tone adopted in correspondence is confrontational and/or haranguing and demonstrates that the purpose is to argue rather than to obtain information or resolution
  • the correspondence could reasonably be expected to have a negative effect on the health and well-being of our staff
  • the correspondence appears to be intended simply to re-open issues which have been disputed several times before, and is, in effect, the pursuit of a complaint by alternative means
  • the frequency and volume of correspondence places an undue administrative burden on us
  • the correspondence repeatedly raises issues that have already been addressed
  • the writer subtly changes the issues raised such that it is difficult to understand the remedy or resolution that they are seeking
Our Approach

When we consider that a person's actions or behaviour are likely to have a negative effect, because they are either aggressive, offensive or abusive; unreasonably demanding or persistent; or vexatious; we will tell them why and we will give them the opportunity to modify their actions or behaviour. If the actions or behaviour continue, we will take steps to prevent or minimise the negative effects. Wherever possible, we will continue to engage with the person in question in relation to their legitimate Association business. We will try to ensure that any action we take is the minimum required to protect our staff and to ensure that they can work effectively.

Our staff may either place a caller on hold or end the telephone call if the caller is aggressive, offensive or abusive, or is making unreasonable demands. Staff are accountable for their actions and are required to log all instances of when calls have been terminated, on our CRM system, noting the reason(s) for ending the call.

It may be necessary to apply restrictions to someone’s contact with us or take action if deemed appropriate. A decision to do this may be taken by a senior manager or officer of the NAJ. Some of the options that we may consider are: to restrict or block future contact from a person.

For example, we may:

• require that contact is with a specified member of staff only
• not accept any further telephone calls from the person. We will keep at least one other form of contact
• require the person to communicate with us through a generic and moderated email address
• read and file future correspondence but acknowledge or respond to it only if the person is raising new information or making a new enquiry
• remove a student from a course or initiate disciplinary proceedings against a member business
• report the matter to the Police or take legal action. In such cases, we may not give the person prior warning of taking that action

We will record any incidents which lead us to take action under this policy, and what action we have taken to address the issue.

Anyone who is unhappy with a decision we have made under this policy may submit a complaint using the NAJ Complaints Procedure.

Download Policy

Anti-Fraud and Corruption

The Association is firmly opposed to fraud and corruption of any kind and will take prompt and decisive action to deal with any instances that are identified and will deal equally with perpetrators from inside and outside the organisation.

At all times the Association will endeavour to ensure that all of its dealings are carried out with honesty and integrity with no thoughts of fraudulent or corrupt acts and in turn it will expect all employees, suppliers, members and individuals that it deals with to behave in the same way.

The Association and its staff will lead by example and ensure that everyone complies with all policies, codes, regulations and controls that are in place.

BATF, the NAJ’s federated body, will pursue all individuals or organisations suspected of having defrauded or having committed corrupt acts and will report them to the Police if appropriate.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The Association is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in employment and representation.

The terms equality, inclusion and diversity are at the heart of this policy. ‘Equality’ means ensuring everyone has the same opportunities to fulfil their potential free from discrimination. ‘Inclusion’ means ensuring everyone feels comfortable to be themselves and feels the worth of their contribution. ‘Diversity’ means the celebration of individual differences amongst the Association. We will actively support diversity and inclusion and ensure that all our employees and volunteers are valued and treated with dignity and respect. We want to encourage everyone in our organisation to reach their potential.

We value people as individuals with diverse opinions, cultures, lifestyles and circumstances. We monitor practices and amend if necessary to ensure that no unfair or unlawful discrimination, intentional, unintentional, direct or indirect, overt or latent exists.

Equality of opportunity, valuing diversity and compliance with the law is to the benefit of all individuals in our Association as it seeks to develop the skills and abilities of its people, members and wider community.

While specific responsibility for eliminating staff discrimination and providing equality of opportunity lies with managers and supervisors, individuals at all levels have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect. The personal commitment of every employee, volunteer and supplier are essential to eliminate discrimination and provide equality throughout the Association.

The recruitment, selection, training, development and promotion procedures result in no job applicant, employee, or worker receiving less favourable treatment because of a protected characteristic within the Equality Act 2010 which are race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin and caste), religion or belief, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership and age. In accordance with our overarching equal treatment ethos, we will also ensure that no-one is treated less favourably on account of their trade union membership or non-membership, or on the basis of being a part-time worker or fixed term employee. The Association’s objective is to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted, and otherwise treated solely on the basis of their relevant aptitudes, skills and abilities.

Positive Work Environment

The Association is committed to creating a harmonious and safe working environment, which is free from harassment and bullying and in which every employee is treated with respect and dignity.

The Association strives to ensure that the different experiences, abilities and skills of each individual are valued by others. It is the Association’s intention to encourage everyone to behave in a proper manner at all times.

The Association is committed to ensuring that individuals do not feel apprehensive because of their religious belief, gender, political opinion, marital/civil partnership status, sexual orientation, race, age, disability or as a result of being subjected to any inappropriate behaviour.

All employees and volunteers can expect to:

  • be treated with dignity, respect and courtesy
  • be able to work, free from unfair treatment, bullying, harassment or victimisation
  • be valued for their skills, abilities and experiences

All employees and volunteers are expected to:

  • treat all employees with dignity, respect and courtesy
  • contribute towards a positive working culture
  • challenge or report unacceptable behaviour
  • be mindful of others when expressing views
  • co-operate with investigations into harassment and bullying

NAJ is committed to dealing with any issues quickly, positively and confidentially when and if they occur.


The Association is committed to creating a positive culture where people feel like they can talk openly and honestly about their wellbeing.

We recognise we have a legal responsibility to ensure that the welfare of our employees and volunteers is sufficiently supported so far as reasonably practicable under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. With the consistent high record of suicide in the UK, this policy aims to safeguard those experiencing suicidal crisis, outline prevention and postvention strategies and support those bereaved by suicide.

Giving Feedback

We recognise that we hear from people that have had negative experiences, and that with regards to making a complaint it can be difficult to remove emotion. We do try to be sensitive and are always impartial in any communication or matter we are involved with, whether ours, a members or another matter we are involved with.

We do listen to and learn from people who use our services and feedback is important to us. Infact many of the service improvements we have made have been influenced by feedback we have received. Feedback requests are from time to time issued through respective departments to the most relevant audience(s).

We know that like all organisations we sometimes get things wrong. If you are unhappy with an aspect of our service, please first raise this with the person you have been dealing with. If this does not resolve your concerns, you can make a complaint about our service but please do respect our policies outlined above. You should know there are different procedures for making a complaint against a member, making a complaint as a student and making a complaint against the Association.